Maximize Your Self-Leadership

You cannot give away what you don’t possess in life or leadership. If you are looking to bring your best to your team and those you serve it all starts with how you lead yourself. This virtual session explores how to balance both work and life so you can have the greatest impact without burning yourself out.

Focus Areas

  • Well-being: Overall sense of health, happiness, fulfillment and purpose
  • Vision: Clear and compelling picture of the future for yourself, team and organization
  • Execution: Clarity around your role with a plan and the resources to be successful
  • Productivity: Ability to prioritize and get the right work done despite distractions


  • Recognize the impact self-leadership has on leaders, teams and organizations
  • Understand the four key areas of self-leadership needed for success
  • Apply best practices and leverage tools to improve self-leadership and team effectiveness

No matter how difficult your problems are, the key to overcoming them doesn’t lie in changing your circumstances. It’s in changing yourself.
– John Maxwell